To conserve our planet’s most precious resources – water, air, soil and energy through 360° environment solutions.

A pioneer of water treatment in India with a legacy spanning over five decades, Ion Exchange is recognised internationally as a premier company in water and environment management.

We are among the largest environment solutions providers, one of very few companies worldwide with a complete range of technologies, products and services. This enables us to offer total solutions for every sector of society.

With sales, production and service footprints across the globe, we serve our markets with a sustained focus on customer satisfaction, technological innovation and dedicated service. Our capability to deliver comprehensive solutions with complete technical support makes us a partner to depend on.

Our Strengths

Complete Solutions for all Sectors

  • Specialists in water and waste water, we offer total water and environment management solutions for all sectors – infrastructure, industry, institutions, municipal, homes and communities, urban and rural
  • 360° environment management adds value across the entire circuit – from influent water through potable and industrial process water to effluent/sewage treatment and water recycle for zero discharge and waste to energy projects for solid waste management
  • Manufacturer of world class ion exchange resins for water and non-water speciality applications, membranes, water treatment chemicals and speciality process chemicals, in ISO 9001, 14001 and ISO 45001 certified facilities
  • Design and supply of water, process liquid, waste water treatment, water recycle plants – packaged, pre-engineered and custom-built, on turnkey, BOT and EPC basis
  • Comprehensive 24/7 service support ensures high performance continuity

Wealth of Expertise

  • Exports to Africa, Japan, Middle East, Russia, South East Asia, UK, USA and neighbouring countries
  • More than 1,00,000 installations worldwide
  • Over 1000 installations in the core sector – at thermal & nuclear power stations, fertiliser factories, refineries & petrochemical plants

Extensive Infrastructure

  • All India infrastructure – production facilities, sales, service, dealer network and R&D centres
  • Largest service network in the water treatment industry in Asia
  • Global presence through overseas sales & service operations, subsidiaries and joint ventures