Empowering a sustainable future across industries.

Case Study

The Challenge:

A leading global automobile manufacturer faced acute water shortage at its automobile plant. Initially, local authorities had committed supply of water from a nearby surface source but this subsequently dried up. The client was therefore left with the option of shipping in water by tankers at a huge cost or shutting production. However, tanker supplies were inadequate, inconsistent in quality and moreover, very costly. Due to inconsistent raw water quality it was a challenge to keep production levels up and also difficult to meet environmental discharge norms.

The Solution:

After a detailed study, Ion Exchange proposed recycle of the effluent as a more cost-effective, easier to manage and long term solution. We recommended a two stream INDION effluent recycle plant consisting of:

  • Chlorination
  • Filtration
  • Ultra Filtration
  • Reverse Osmosis

One stream would work treated effluent from various operations and was used to meet process water demand when effluent is generated in sufficient quantities. In case the effluent generated was insufficient, the second stream would work on sewage, bought by the client from the local authorities. This would ensure availability of treated water at all times.

Inlet Condition Outlet Condition
TDS = 1100 ppm TDS < 50 ppm
BOD = 15 ppm Organics – Not detectable
COD = 104 ppm Turbidity < 0.1 NTU
Flow =  97 GPM Flow = 58 GPM


  • The client recovers more than 3,14,189 litres per day of water with TDS < 50 ppm
  • 60% of effluent is recycled and the water reused in process
  • Compliance with environmental discharge norms by recycling waste water