To conserve our planet’s most precious resources – water, air, soil and energy through 360° environment solutions.

Our Company firmly believes that its vision of being a market leader in its businesses can be achieved only if it has the trust and association of its employees, customers and investors, whom the company values very highly. The code of conduct has been drafted to ensure that the employees act in accordance with these principles. In respect of matters for which there is no specific rule, employees will have to take an honest, pragmatic approach without compromising the values and principles of the company.


The Code is applicable to officers, employees and workers at all levels of the Company, whether working in India or abroad.


The Company values honest dealing with all its customers, dealers and vendors. At all times, whether during employment with the Company or after leaving the Company, employees will have to observe secrecy regarding the affairs of the Company and shall keep confidential all information or knowledge obtained about the Company’s affairs, its manufacturing processes and inventions.

Any improvement in processes or products or any new inventions that is made by an employee shall be the exclusive property of the Company and the employee shall do all things necessary to vest the ownership rights thereof in the Company.

Protection of Company’s Property

Employees must use the Company’s property with care and should not use it for personal purposes. They should return to the Company at the time of resigning, the items used in the course of their employment with the Company.

Conflict of Interest

Employees should not allow personal interests and prejudices come in the way of decisions, for e.g., profiting from confidential information, influencing a business transaction with an entity with which the company is dealing with. They should always ensure that decisions taken by them are not detrimental to the interests of the company. The Company’s interest should be uppermost in their mind and dealings contrary to this should be disclosed to their immediate superior or to the management or in-house legal counsel for appropriate action.

Fair Treatment of Employees

Employees shall treat each other with respect and there should be no discrimination with respect to religion, race, creed, gender, disability etc.

Harassment in Workplace

The Company cannot function and meet its objectives without the support, co-operation and trust of its employees. The Company has always worked towards the well-being and growth of its employees and believes in transparent and cordial relations. Employees should not tolerate harassment of any nature and must report to their immediate superior or management, any such problem faced by them. The management will maintain confidentiality and shall extend all co-operation to the employee.

Safety & Environment Protection

The Company is committed to providing and maintaining a safe and healthy work environment, by establishing safe operating procedures and practices that protect employees from ill health and injury. The Company’s businesses are undertaken in an environmentally responsible manner and it is committed to conservation of resources and continual improvement of processes and activities in order to minimise impact on environment, prevent pollution and protect the environment.


Customer satisfaction is a core value and the Company is committed to providing customers the best value for money through quality solutions and services that meet needs of consumers. We are focussed on understanding customer needs and obtaining customer feedback for improving products and services and finding innovative solutions that will improve the quality of people’s lives and the environment.


Our Company believes in and has consistently practised good corporate governance. It provides timely and accurate information to the shareholders regarding the company’s activities and financials and continuously work towards enhancing shareholder value.

Insider Trading

Inside information means any information known to an employee which is not yet made public and which, if made public, will result in manipulation of stock prices. For e.g., financial results, any major expansion plans or execution of new projects, plans of merger, amalgamation or takeover etc. is inside information. Employees possessing such information should not misuse and gain from such information.

Compliance with Competition Laws

The employees must comply with competition laws and should not indulge in activities that are in violation of such laws. The employees shall consult the in-house legal counsel in case of any doubt or clarification in understanding the laws.