To conserve our planet’s most precious resources – water, air, soil and energy through 360° environment solutions.

Ion Exchange provides total water and environment management solutions to every sector – infrastructure, industrial, institutional, municipal, home and communities, urban & rural.

Our 360° solutions encompass pretreatment, drinking water treatment, industrial process water treatment, water conditioning, waste water/sewage treatment, water recycle to achieve zero discharge and retrieve valuable by-products for reuse in process and recovery of energy from waste. Comprehensive 24/7 service support, including O&M and BOT contracts, enable us to deliver end benefit conveniently and economically, with single-point responsibility.

The quantifiable benefits to our customers demonstrate how our water and environment management is a sound value investment:

  • Water security, with assured supply and quality of water in an increasingly water-scarce scenario
  • Compliance with regulatory standards, for pollution control, consumption & discharge
  • Superior price performance ratios and production efficiencies – higher ROI through lower water consumption with lower cost of water/product, less disposal problems and lower cost of operations
  • Lower cost and effective use of capital employed, with creative ownership options such as lease and BOT
  • Single point responsibility enabling greater customer focus on core business