Restoring Nature�s Balance at every doorstep..

With thousands of people visiting malls on a daily basis, effective water management for self sufficiency and water quality is a critical need. Keeping these needs in mind, we offer environment friendly, cost-effective solutions that cover all water and utility areas, assuring requisite quality and quantity of water continuously.

Effective waste water management through water recycle reduces the requirement of fresh water and lowers water bills, even as it makes more water available for low end applications such as floor cleaning, toilet flushing, vehicle washing, landscaping and gardening. All our solutions are backed by 24/7 service support including O&M and AMC contracts.

Our solutions include:

  • Point-of use and central drinking water treatment
  • Management of heating and cooling water circuits with speciality chemical programmes
  • Swimming pool filtration and disinfection.
  • Sewage treatment
  • Water recycle for applications such as flushing, mopping, gardening etc
  • Comprehensive O&M and AMC contracts