Restoring Nature�s Balance at every doorstep..

Complexes consisting of a large number of buildings require a self sufficient plan to manage their water supply, use and storage. Our solutions provide water treatment/distribution and sewage treatment plants.

Our water and environment management solutions cover all water and utility areas, assuring required quality of water for every use – drinking water, cooking, bathing, laundry, comfort cooling, swimming pools and gardening.

Our solutions include

  • Point-of-use and central water treatment systems for drinking water and kitchens
  • Conditioned  water for bathing and laundry
  • Management of heating and cooling water circuits with speciality chemical treatment programmes
  • Swimming pool water filtration and disinfection
  • Sewage treatment and recycle
  • Comprehensive O&M services and AMC contracts which eliminate operation, maintenance and supervision by the customer

Effective waste water management provides assurance against water shortages

  • Uninterrupted water supply for toilet flushing, gardening, floor   cleaning and vehicle washing.
  • Savings because of reduced requirement of fresh water
  • More  fresh water available for drinking, cooking and bathing purposes