To conserve our planet’s most precious resources – water, air, soil and energy through 360° environment solutions.

Pollution and increased demand have made good quality water scarce and expensive, both in terms of direct cost of water and the effect of unsuitable water on plant economics and product quality.

Meanwhile, disposal norms are getting tighter and their enforcement stricter. In this scenario , Ion Exchange can help you to effectively and economically solve your water scarcity problems by conserving vast volumes of water and protecting the environment by reducing discharge while generating substantial savings for you.

Our effluent recycle solutions are integrated to yield optimal benefit. For instance, recycle systems are combined with specialty water treatment chemical programs that substantially reduce water discharge (for example, cooling tower blowdown) and state-of-the-art treatment plants are integrated with zero liquid discharge or ZLD processes. The ZLD processes are backed by comprehensive operation and maintenance services, for high performance continuity.

Experience the gains of Total Water Management process

Recycle solutions offered by ION Exchange integrate physicochemical, biological and membrane separation processes for optimum water recovery. They include advanced effluent treatment processes, micro filtration, ultra-filtration, nano filtration and reverse osmosis systems, membrane bioreactors and advanced photochemical oxidation.

Industries that have installed our effluent treatment, recycle and zero liquid discharge processes have gained an excellent payback on their investment through:

  • Assured availability of water for process needs as well as low end uses
  • Less requirement of fresh water. Therefore, considerable savings freshwater costs.
  • Additional savings through recovery of valuable by-products for re-use in process.
  • Compliance with pollution control regulations and a clean environment through reduced / zero effluent discharge.

Greater water demands, increasing environmental pollution and industrial & municipal waste disposal pose crucial challenges that call for an integrated approach of total environmental management.

Ion Exchange (India) Ltd. Offers a complete portfolio of advanced environmental solutions and services for industrial, infrastructure and municipal applications. Technology solutions encompass water, liquid & gaseous effluents, solid waste & bio-solids and renewable energy, while services include consultancy, turnkey contracting, O&M and BOOT projects.

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