Solutions that inspire an environmental friendly tomorrow for Commercial Complexes, Educational Institutions, Hotels, Hospitals, Laboratories ………

Water Treatment, Purification, sewage treatment for hotels

The Welcome Factor

Our water and environment management solutions cover all water and utility areas, assuring required quality of water for every use – drinking water, cooking, bathing, laundry, air conditioning, swimming pools and gardening.

Our solutions include

  • Point-of-use and central water treatment systems for drinking water and kitchens
  • Conditioned  water for bathing and laundry
  • Swimming pool water filtration and disinfection
  • Management of heating and cooling water circuits with speciality chemical treatment programmes
  • Sewage treatment and recycle
  • Comprehensive O&M services and AMC contracts which eliminate operation, maintenance and supervision by the customer

Effective waste water management provides assurance against water shortages

  • Compliance with discharge regulations
  • Uninterrupted water supply for toilet flushing, gardening, floor cleaning and vehicle washing.
  • Savings, because of reduced requirement of fresh water
  • More  fresh water available for drinking, cooking and bathing purposes